Like I mentioned on my previous blog, some of us like the Matrix will choose the blue pill and end the story. No one is going to make you change your mind even if it kills you without even researching the information given to you. But for those of us who want to explore would stay on Wonderland to see how deep that rabbit hole goes. Many of us are gullible and will believe anything a pastor throw at us. I was like that for a while until my eyes were opened last year. So, most of us including myself grew up watching many movies about Jesus Christ whose legal name is Yahusha showing he was crucified. What is the real story? Was there a cross or was it made up? Why do pastors choose to preach something other than what the Bible says? What is their agenda in of all this? Pastors are preaching about Jesus Christ who doesn't fit the scriptures. They have Christians believe that the Messiah was Crucified on the cross. My question is who these pastors affiliate with and who do they have to answer to?
It's not our Father Yahuah (God) because He stated in Deuteronomy 4:2 "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish from it, that ye may guard the commandments of Yahuah Elohaykem." (Other references: Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18). Why would they choose to add to the highest word? Better yet, lie. What do we know about the cross? Why would Christian use the cross as the church symbol? If you google the origin of the cross this is what it says: (According to Swami Vivekananda the Christian cross is the Shivalinga converted into a cross. According to W. E. Vine, the cross was used by worshipers of Tammuz, an Ancient Near East deity of Babylonian origin who had the cross-shaped taw (tau) as his symbol.) Very interesting an ancient Near East deity of Babylonian. So, what connection a deity have with our Massiah, none? Again, why would church around the world use an emblem that has to do with a Babylonian deity that's another subject? However, I want you to see why you should not take anything your pastor's tell you without you doing your research.
That's why many of us end up in idolatry because of lack of knowledge. Hear me out, everything about our Messiah and the children of Israel is in the Bible. Ladies and gentlemen you have been lied to about many things in the Bible. Christian church tells you what they think not what the word says. What they are not telling you is that you have been worshiping deities from Egypt, not our real Father and Messiah. 99% of pastors broke all of the commandments of the highest. Exodus 20:3-4 "You shall have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth." The cross becomes a god to many of us. Some pray to the cross, carry it around in our jewelry, it's in our home, in our cars, clothing, you name it. Wake up, people!
Now, back to the subject was our Messiah crucified or hang on a tree? According to several verses in the Bible, it is proven that he was not crucified on a cross but was hung on a tree. Acts 5:30 "(The ELOHIYM (God) of our fathers raised up Yahusha (whom they call Jesus Christ), whom ye slew and hanged on a tree." Want more references: Acts 10:39; Acts 13:29; 1 Peter 13:29; Galatians 3:13. All these verses are telling us that he was hung on a tree. So, where did they get the cross from? Why do we have crosses in every church around the world? Who are they worshiping? History has proven that in the time Yahusha was killed what the Romans used for executions were a vertical stake, called in Latin Crux or Palus. The Greek word translated "Cross" is Stau-ros it basically means an upright pale or stake. It was never two pieces of timber placed across one another at any angle. The cross was invented, and it's a pagan worship. Before you disagree with me, do your research.
Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.
It's no coincidence people that the majority of pastors are in unison with their false teaching of the Bible. This is the Matrix, my friend. Believe me; there is much more to learn. You don't have to believe a thing I wrote. However, if you're smart you will research, otherwise, get ready for the plagues because it's near.
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