Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Is Saturday The True Sabbath Day?

Isaiah 66:23 "And it shall come to pass, that from New Moon to his New Moon, and from Sabbath to his Sabbath, shall all flesh come to worship before me, says YAHUAH." Well, a few weeks ago, I learned something new about the Saturday Sabbath that I've been observing. I've heard in the past that the Gregorian-Julian Calendar had mistakes and was different from the Jewish Calendar. But I never understood it until I watched the video a few weeks ago. I now have the understanding that the Ancient Israelites used YAHUAH's Calendar which is the Lunar calendar to observe the Sabbaths, New Moon, and Feast Days. If you were raised in the church, these things were never taught or observed because many Pastors think the commandments are done away with and don't apply to them, but grace saves them. Therefore, everyone just used the Gregorian-Julian Calendar without question it even though the Bible is telling us to use the Lunar-Solar Calendars. The Gregorian-Julian Calendar is for the pagans because it has their pagans gods name for the days of the weeks and months. Genesis 1:14 "And YAHUAH said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years." The thing about it is that flesh and blood cannot reveal these things to you. Had it been so many of us would have seen Christianity for who they are and would come out of her as fast as possible. Matthew 16:17 "YAHUSHA replied, Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but my Father in heaven."

When I first watched the video, I was lost and confused. I mean, how many of us read Genesis 1:14 numerous times and times again and understood what YAHUAH was telling us? I read it many times, and it went right over my head until I watched the video. I've watched many other videos about the Gregorian-Julian Calendar and read some information about its origination. I'm still researching and learning more details about the Lunar-Solar Calendar so I can observe the Sabbath and New Moon correctly. I actually, observed my first Sabbath on December 17 and New Moon on December 18 following the Lunar-Solar Calendar. It is a learning process for me. Why I choose to follow the Lunar-Solar because John 4:24 " YAHUAH is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and truth." Aside from that, Jeremiah 10:2 -3" Thus saith YAHUAH, learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them." We also know that we are in the world but not of the world John 17:16.

Serving our Abba YAH will not be an easy journey because if it were, it wouldn't only be a remnant that will be saved. What am I saying is that it will require you to give up a lot for you to serve Him especially your own will. The hardest thing for many of us we work for people to gain an income. Also, many of us either not capable or motivated of starting our own business, so we don't have to be a slave to other people. Because when you work for someone you are that company slave and you either do what they say or hit the road. Meaning, for you to keep the Sabbath, New Moon and so on it will require you to set those days apart for Him. As you know, your job will not permit you to take days off here and there. So, you will have to find a career where you make your own schedule where you're not a slave to anyone. I remember, sharing the video with some others who follow the Saturday Sabbath so they could do further research and also ask Abba YAH for understanding and wisdom. Their answers to me were it's impossible to follow because of their job and so on. One told me that she would continue to observe the Saturday Sabbath because the people she follows does. Another person comments reminding me of the verse in Jubilees 6:34 "And all the children of Israel will forget and will not find the path of the years, and will forget the New Moons, and seasons, and Sabbath and they will go wrong as to all the order of the years."

Yes, I understand after the Israelites were captured and dispersed with ships to the four corners of the earth becoming slaves all of their scrolls were taken away from them. As slaves, it was impossible for them to observe The New Moon, Sabbath, or Feast days. Remember, every family was separated from their husbands, children and so on. Therefore, they weren't allowed to observe anything nor the generation after them. So, they lost their identity, names, and all the commandments, laws, and statutes were beating out of them. They end up serving their masters gods and learning their ways. That's how they lost their path of the years, and forget the New Moons, and seasons, and Sabbath. That's why most Israelite don't even know if they are coming or going when it comes to instructions of the Bible. If you read Deuteronomy 28, it tells you all about it. I understand all of that but in James 1:5"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of YAHUAH, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." Also in Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." The question you should be asking yourself is what is more important to you? Life or death pick one because at the end of the day you will realize that nothing else matters but YAHUAH. How bad do you want Him? If you read Matthew chapter six, which I did a blog on it. YAHUSHA was not only giving us instructions on how to pray, how not to worry about our life, but He's telling us to seek ye first the kingdom of YAHUAH and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 16:25 "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."

Here is the mistake many of us are continually making is following people instead what the word is telling us to do. 2 Timothy 2:5 "Study to shew thyself approved unto YAHUAH, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." That's why it is going to have to be a personal decision. You will have to choose what is more important to you. Matthew 6:21"For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be." So, how do you observed the Lunar-Solar Calendar I'm still learning. I will drop a link to a video that I watched for clarification, but you still need to do your research. I will try to explain it a little. Hopefully, I don't confuse you. YAHUAH's Calendar is base on the Lunar. Lunar has 29.5 days in the month, but since there is not just half a day, it is counted for 30 days. Therefore, how do you get the correct Sabbath Day is after the New Moon day which is a day that should be set apart for worship, prayer, and meditation. The following day will be counted as the first day, and you will count each day and once you get to the seventh day is the Sabbath Day. Then, after the Sabbath day is another week start and on the next seventh day is the Sabbath. It's always four Sabbaths in the month until the next New Moon that will start the next month. It probably sounds a little bit confusing like I said before. That's why you have to research it to get a better understanding. But this is how I see it if you genuinely love YAHUAH you will seek the truth. The verses for reference are Genesis 1:14, Psalm 104:19 Sirach (Ecclesiasticus) 43:6-8; Enoch 77:14 (for the book of Sirach and Enoch you will find these lost book in the Apocrypha); 1 Samuel 20; Colossians 2:1-16; Joshua 6:15; There are more references that you will find. I just wanted to share these verses to start your research. I also recommend that you read Jubilee which is also in the Apocrypha. Also, you need to pray and ask YAHUAH for the understanding and wisdom. Otherwise, it might be difficult for you to see and understand. If you do have any info please, share it.

Copy Link to Video "Is The Sabbath Fake News" by World Last Chance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJJwQmKJJbw

Ecclesiastes 12:13 -14 "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear Yah, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For Yah shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."

With this note I say Shalem!

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